All which have been the fatalities of the week. I didn't close the garden gate, then the peonies and lupines bloomed. Henri romped through the garden, defecated on the peonies and tried to cover up the lupines. The fragrance we all love moved something deep inside Henri. Matthew said, "Henri must have misunderstood and thought we were saying pee-on-these." It is a very common mistake, I must admit. Brody however took to sampling my herbs, deciding that the flat leaf parsley was most desirable. Again, my fault and I must purchase some edging fence. My sister very kindly gave me enough for our herbs and Brody no longer grazes in them. My perennial beds are left vulnerable and remain a place for mischief.
A little pee never hurt anyone and I was able to salvage some peonies for the dining room table. The lupines will make it I think. Thank goodness I caught them this morning. Their roots were very moist and happy so I put them back in the ground with plenty of compost.
I had called Matthew about deciduous azaleas on sale this week at Nature Works when I saw the destruction. I must admit I had to get off the phone fast to save myself any embarrassment. Some tears were shed, but I did not yell!!! Henri, knowingly guilty went straight into his box and stayed there the rest of the morning. He took no chances on coming out.
Henri loves to dig: flower beds, newly planted grass seed, container plants even in the living room...
Brody is a true Lab and wants to eat everything: morning lilies, herbs, lemon grass...
I should have been better prepared this spring!!!
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