I was at the vets for Henri's annual check up. Due to the fact that Henri doesn't like cats I sat as far away from "Buttons" as possible. I had Henri on his flexi lead and as I was talking to Cathy he made his way over to the kitten cage. To my surprise I heard the audible "ahhhh" from everyone in the waiting room. Henri and Buttons were nose-to-nose and as happy as two friends could be.
I have always wanted a cat, but everyone always says, "NO." I had been begging ever since I moved in with Matthew. I have said it all, "we need a mouser, the dog's need a friend, I promise I'm not allergic, a barn cat, a house cat... So maybe I was the reason we were sitting sooo far away. The temptation always "kills me," they are sooo cute. I always made the excuse that I was allergic (but how can I house sit and have them sleep on my pillow, chest, face...) the dogs too aggressive (Henri proving me a liar.)
Cathy having know me for years says, "you can hold him for a minute while you wait." I knew as soon as I opened the door he was going to be mine.
I called Matthew, who was busy at work and at the beginning of their summer season. (My husband installs swimming pools. Summer is not a good time to call his cell phone with frivolous requests.) I got the "not right now" line, but I hadn't even asked the question. So, I made an executive decision and ran into the vets and announced, "He can come home with me!!!!"
Cathy being a sweat heart let me bring him home "just" for the night. We wanted to make sure Matthew was going to be "ok" with the new addition. I headed home with Henri on my lap and Buttons in the crate. Brody didn't take to him as fast as Henri, but Buttons could care less. He walked all around the house in true cat fashion, knowing he owned the place. He used his makeshift litter box, drank water out of the "giant" water bowl, ate some dinner and curled up in Matthew's old sweatshirt that I grabbed from upstairs. Soon I had two happy dogs and a snoozing kitten. I heard Matthew's truck pull in the drive way and I ran outside to greet him and give him a gentle warning and promise.
The promise I made was; "you can say no, no questions asked, no tears, I'll bring him back in morning."
He gave me that look that says, "I'm too tired for this," and said, "What's him?"
"Oh just wait, you don't want to ruin the surprise," was all I said and ran back into the house.
Matthew trudged in behind me. Buttons by then had woken from his nap and was back for more water. If you have ever seen a kitten drinking from a "giant" water bowl before you know it's just about the cutes thing ever.
"What's that?" Matthew asked.
"A kitten!"
"I know that, what's it doing here?"
"Can we keep him, he's sooo cute, he already uses a litter box, he's a rescues, he was the only one left, he loves Henri, Henri loves him, I'll take care of him....." The reasons were endless and before we were through with dinner he was our little "Buttons!"
Well, that's pretty much the story. I did change his name that night after watching a documentary on Winston Churchill. I have an obsession with naming pets after historical figures. Henri doubles for Henry the Eighth and hockey's great Henri Richard. I even had a Guinea Pig growing up named Charlemagne and a rabbit Philip. Well, that's a whole other silly story and silly we are.
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