Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What to buy for Father's Day?

While checking my email this morning I received one from D'Artagnan. They are a supplier of specialty food and they also send mail order to foodies everywhere. This email was for the Dad's, starting with The Shameless Carnivore's Feast!!! It sounds great with all free range meats: bison, wild boar, venison, veal, fois gras.... Yes, there are some humane/free range fois gras farms, I have been to one in the Hudson Valley. People are right by saying "know your food" and that starts from the beginning. Knowing the gardener and the farmer, if you trust these people you can only hope to trust those down the line (growers, harvesters, butchers, etc...) For more on this there are a ton of books that have said this much more eloquently then I (a very good place to start: http://www.michaelpollan.com/.)
My dad is easy, this would be a perfectly suitable gift and as a matter of fact for almost all the fathers I know. Every retailer that send emails for Father's Day sends things about food and mostly things for cooking meat! Even Brookstone; with the electronic meat thermometer that beeps when your meat is ready!!! This isn't entirely fair but this may be the most affordable option. I don't think any of us are going to be buying a Bose for our father's this year. I can think of a handful that deserve one, but it's a pretty penny! Hopefully most will have the pleasure of knowing their father as well as I do and this won't be a problem.
But remember there are grilled veggies, tofu, temphe patties, etc... These are all very yummy alternatives that these grilling tools can be used for. Even the thermometer for those who eat fish and poultry. If your dad is a vegan dress them up with a balsamic reduction, pesto (leave out the parmesan and use tofu) and salsa. Not a vegan add a sprinkle of feta or his favorite cheese and a runny farm raised egg is always great over veggies. Also any marinade you love on fish, poultry or beef can be used with meat alternatives. The best way to serve these items to your carnivores is do not lie!!!! Don't you dare call them sausage, burgers, bacon, etc... Even turkey or chicken burgers, if they are not beef you better make that clear!!! I think you catch my drift, nobody likes a liar!!!!
My father is a good man and he will try most everything I make. Sometimes I don't always like the criticism, but he tried it and that is what counts!

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